DISCLAIMER: Distilling alcohol without a license to do so is wholly illegal. Read the laws and regulations here, at TTB.gov. Asheville Brewers Supply does not support or encourage the manufacture of illicit spirits. Any information source referenced is solely for the use of those fully licensed to produce either farm fuel or spirits for consumption.
- StillSmart Friendly and intelligent UK-based forum related to distillation and distillation related topics.
- The Modern Distiller Another good forum we would like to point out.
Corn Sugar/Dextrose
$ 3.75
For boosting gravity. Also used in cider production. Buy big and save!
Lalvin EC-1118
$ 2.00
18% alcohol tolerance. A very competitive yeast that will inhibit wild yeasts. It will restart stuck fermentations because of good alcohol and sulfite tolerance. This is a very neutral yeast that will have very little effect on the varietal character of the grape. A popular strain that ferments fully and flocculates well producing compact lees. ...
Hydrometer Test Cylinder
$ 4.50
Used to hold the sample for taking gravity or proof readings. Available in plastic or glass. NOTE: If proofing spirits, you MUST use glass; the plastic can't handle high octane.
6.5 Gallon Plastic Fermentor
$ 20.00
Food grade fermenting bucket with graduated markings showing volume. Includes a drilled/grommeted lid.
$ 7.00
15.5" long, with a solid metal base and easy-to-read 3-scale readout. Packaged, with instructions, in a tube with no hanger cap. Readings idealized at 60°F. Works for beer, wine, cider, mead, and mashes. Scales: Balling: 0-38% Potential ABV: 0-22% Specific Gravity: 0.990 - 1.170
Glass Carboy
$ 56.00
A classic for home brewers. These glass carboys are from Italy and come in multiple sizes. We recommend using the 6.5 gal for primary fermentation, the 6 gal for doing secondary fermentation on wine or beer, the five gal for secondary, and the 3 gal for small batches. NOTE: We do not currently ship glass. These are for in store pick up only. How...
PET Carboy
$ 29.75
A heavy, PET plastic carboy ideal for fermentations of wine or beer, including secondary. The material is completely taste and odor free, stain resistant, and impermeable to oxygen. Unlike glass, these are lightweight and virtually unbreakable (no trips to the ER for stitches!). Smooth inner walls prevent sediment from collecting and make for e...
30" Carboy Brush
$ 7.25
Team me up with a good cleaner such as PBW or OBW and we'll make cleaning that carboy a breeze.
7.9 Gallon Plastic Fermentor
$ 31.50
Food grade bucket with graduated markings showing volume. Includes drilled/grommeted lid.
Fermentap Weldless Dial Thermometer
$ 29.75
A wonderful addition to your mashtun, kettle, or HLT. Complete assembly includes the dial thermometer and probe, bulkhead, and silicone gasket. Constructed from 304 stainless. Available with either a 2" probe (more suitable for kettles) or a 6" probe (more appropriate for a mashtun).
Panela Sugar - Granulated
$ 4.00
Panela is known by many names - rapadura, piloncillo, kakura, jaggery - ours is unique in that it is dried and granulated as opposed to blocks, cones or bricks. Made from freshly squeezed juice of the whole cane plant, this unrefined powder retains vital nutrients like magnesium, potassium, calcium, and more. Experience the mellow sweetness with...