Our Brew Blog & News — class
Upcoming Seminar! 0
As part of our commitment to being the best local homebrew shop in WNC, we're making strides this year to provide more educational opportunities to the community.
At the end of this month, we will be presenting the first seminar of our 2016 educational series. This will be geared towards those interested in starting, just starting, or thinking of expanding their own brewery, winery, cidery, or distillery. Please note that while this event is free, we do require a reservation so that we can have enough materials on hand for everyone. Call or email to reserve your space!

Insurance Basics for Brewers
Presented by: Anthony Mitchell, Insurance Service of Asheville
A cannot miss seminar designed for:
- Craft brewers in the business startup stage (build out and early days of running the operation)
- Hobbyist contemplating taking their passion to the marketplace by opening a brewery or brewpub
Topics include:
- Brewery insurance basics: property & liability coverage, liquor liability insurance, workers’ compensation, and others
- The information insurance companies request for an accurate quote & how pricing is determined
- How your coverage changes when your business model changes & when you grow
- And more!
Bring your questions and a thirst for knowledge to this free seminar being held at 32 Banks Ave Catawba Brewing tasting room on the South Slope. Please contact Tedd Clevenger at avlbrewersupply@gmail.com to confirm your reservation as space will be limited and materials may be provided.
Anthony Mitchell, LUTCF is a former teacher with 17+ years in the insurance industry, 13+ of those here in Asheville. He actively works in the brewing community with craft brewers, brew suppliers, brewing consultants, and educational institutions.
End of Sept. News 0
We are moving our Brewers Socials to Tuesdays. As such, our next social is tomorrow night, the 29th. Bring some labelled brew to share and enjoy some Asheville Pizza on us. We'll have some Dark English Old Ale soured on Wicked Weed Oblivion barrel staves. We'll be sipping suds from 6-8:30ish, so bring a friend and join us!
The next free all-grain class is going to be October 3rd from 1:30-4:30ish. We'll be drinking a German Altbier and brewing something up with some Swaen malt, a new maltster we just picked up! But before that, we are going to do a free kegging workshop on Friday from 6-7pm. This is also free of charge, though we won't have any beer to serve. We will, however, discuss all kinds of fun things, such as PSI, CO2 volumes, equilibriums, and carb charts! It's more fun than it sounds.
Any cidermakers interested in attending NC Ciderfest in November should email us. We would love to have you join us and share some of your cider with attendees and enjoy the festival.
Free All-Grain Class 0
Happy Spring! We invite you to our first brew class of spring '15. Saturday, April 4th at 1:30, we'll be brewing something tasty using the all-grain brewing method (like commercial breweries, but not quite as fancy). As a sweet bonus, we will as always be drinking last month's brew, which we're very excited about; it's a SMASH (single malt and single hop) beer using 100% local Riverbend malt and Australian Summer hops.
Reservations are not required, and IT'S FREE! Feel free to bring a friend, some brew, perhaps a notebook if you want. Looking forward to seeing you there!